31 July - 13 August 2025
Age 9-13 | England (Tonbridge School) & Scotland (Loretto School)
One Camp, Two Campuses!
Curated Components for an Elevated Camp Experience
One camp, two campuses:
Unique boarding experience in Tonbridge School and Loretto School.
Tonbridge's extensive site of 150 acres in Kent and Loretto's 85 acres of leafy campus just outside Edinburgh — both with superb grounds and facilities, guarantee a unique adventure beyond what any schools in Hong Kong can provide.
Immerse in an all-encompassing camp experience that develops skills for school assessments.
Unlike any other, our camp focuses on developing kids academically, intellectually and personally for assessment success; equipping them with essential skills, fundamental understanding, real-life experiences, and personalised feedback.

Join Mr. Giles Delaney, Head of Education and leader of our two-week camp!
With 17 years as Headmaster of St John's Beaumont, Mr. Delaney will enrich the two-week England camp, honing campers' critical skills and analytical thinking, ensuring academic and personal excellence for your child.

Highlights of the Camp

Interview and Assessment Preparation

All-round English Programmes

Court Trial and
Mock UN

Dragon’s Den Team Design Challenge

Astronomy and Space Exploration

Junior Golf Lessons

Crime Scene Investigation

Wide Range of Excursions

Trip to Scotland!

CV Preparation Support Sessions

UK Boarding Schools Entrance Exam Preparation Lessons
And we empower excellence through building...
Students will develop inner strength and adaptability, embracing challenges to foster resilience. Through diverse experiences, they will overcome obstacles and grow both personally and academically.
Students will cultivate independence, embracing it as an opportunity for bold choices that foster future flourishing. Academic, physical, intellectual, and creative opportunities await their exploration.
Students will explore curiosity, delve deeper through inquiry. Our camp immerses in exploration, critical reflection, and engaging activities like rocket design, 'Escape Room,' and parliamentary democracy discussions.
Creativity & Curiosity
Students will gain valuable and interesting insight into the creative, cultural and sporting life of the UK through visiting a wide range of exciting and important venues.
UK Cultural Awareness
Students will create personal website blogs to share their adventures with family and friends daily, embracing limited but exciting surprises involving technology.
Digital Natives
Wake Up
Academic Programme
Academic Programme
Free Time
Team Games
Free Time
Showers & Bedtime
A Day at the Camp
* The timetable is for reference only.
What our little campers say...
I got to do something I would never have had the chance to do if I was still in Hong Kong and under my Dad and Mom's protective wings. I met new people and got to do sports and activities I never did before such as croquet, bowling, and cricket... And I feel that I will be seeing the world much differently than before after this trip.
2024 Camper
I made many new friends and also grew closer with the friends that I had known before the camp. Mr. Giles and the rest of the camp staff was really kind to me throughout the camp, especially when I was sick when I first arrived and they gave me lots of care which helped me recover fast.
2024 Camper
Wow, this is the trip of my life. On the last day, I almost cried, It was very sad. You know, spending time with my friends in this summer Camp and the 14th day, you need to leave them and it was just sad. This summer camp made me brave and now, I have the courage to do anything and at least try.
2024 Camper
The Academic Asia Summer Camp consisted of many problem solving scenarios and many different opportunities. During the 14 days of this camp, I made many friends, we had many fun lessons, such as problem solving, non verbal reasoning, and more! We also went to many landmarks such as the St. James Cathedral, TATE Art Gallery, National Art Gallery, Warner Bros Studios, overall I think we had a lot of fun.
In this experience, we didn’t only play but we learnt many things. I’m very surprised that I learnt so many things in 14 days. I hope next year I will come again.
2024 Camper
Camp Fee
The Summer Camp fee is
HKD 46,800 and includes:
Flight from Edinburgh to London
Accommodation (including meals, board and laundry)
Lessons, workshops and teaching materials
All activities
Transport (including collection from airports)
Chaperone service
Entry fees to places of interest
Memorabilia (apparels & stationery)
Individual travel & medical insurance
Early Bird Discount: 10%
Book your place before 28 February 2025 and save 10% on Summer Camp 2025.
For more information, contact us at courses@academic-asia.com
What the parents say...
In the past two weeks, I have seen your carefully designed courses that combine elements of play, sports and education. I thought this camp was very well designed and I'm so grateful that my son was able to be a part of it.
I wanted to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible care and attention you have given my children during the summer camp over the past two weeks. I have heard wonderful things about their experience... Thanks for organising this camp!
We are very impressed with everything this camp had to offer, and our son just wanted to go back every year !
I have to say that AA’s summer camp is a very valuable, high-quality, and highly recommended summer camp on the market. As well as enjoying all her time at camp, my daughter spent the first half of the day learning about academics, science (the fermentation reaction of yeast) and biology (the first dissection was impressive) and the second half of the day learning all about Britain, life , culture, history, art, explore everywhere. Open discussions, poetry reading competitions, musicals, special sports events or fun games. What particularly impressed me was the students' daily self-blogs, as well as the comments and photos updated by AA every day, plus student reports and certificates, which are also helpful for our understanding. I just want to say thank you Mr. Giles and his team for putting so much effort into the summer camp program and providing such wonderful activities for the children. Because by the end of camp, they have learned many important skills and lessons. This camp not only teaches them about different cultures and lifestyles, but also allows them to learn how to work effectively as part of a team. It was such a wonderful summer and my daughter shared how delicious her smores tasted with her parents and her friends after camp, we are lucky to taste it again.
今年是孩子第一次一個人去英國那麼遠的地方夏令營,在機場送別他的時候他還是忍不住的默默流淚了,但是我看出他在多麼想著堅強,低頭不敢看我,其時實我當時也比較擔心他一個人的遠行。畢竟沒有離開過家,當他上了飛機告訴我又多了新朋友的時候,我心裡才好受一些。終於知過了十幾個小時,知道他們安全到達,老師發來了他們的大合照,終於安心了。每天他都會和我的視頻,告訴我們他每天都幹了什麼,每天視頻的時候看到他臉上又多了很多笑容,知道他在那裡老師們一定把他們照顧的特別好。每天也特別忙碌,學習各種新知識,外出旅行,他關訴我他嘗試挑戰了很多新東西,他戰勝了自己。是的,隔著電話也感覺到了,他長大了很多、獨立了很多。他告訴我老師教了很多知識,每天吃的也特別豐盛。當我的去機場接他時,一下明顯感覺他變了,變的懂事了、更穩重了。真的非常感Academic Asia帶著孩子去感受新事物。說實在的剛開始擔心很多,看到 孩子 一天一天的變化,一天一天的獨立,一天一天的成長,我的擔心會沒了哈哈。孩子要回香港的前一天他說咋這麼快回香港了,有點想繼後留在那裡……希望以後有機會你們可以繼續帶著孩子去遠行,探索更大的、更豐富的世界。非常感謝們的和領隊老師及英國老師。
Mrs Li